We are currently not accepting applications due to lack of funds.
Requests require an application and review before a determination can be made.
Needs are determined on a case-by-case basis. As funding is nearly depleted, only partial grants may be available at this time. Donations are appreciated to help us sustain this program.
All pets receiving assistance must be spayed or neutered or consent to have this procedure done. No exceptions, unless deemed medically dangerous by a veterinarian.
Trauma Emergencies / Critical Care
Injuries resulting from accidents, falls, or other traumatic incidents. (hit by car)
Respiratory Distress
Difficulty breathing or other respiratory issues.
Gastrointestinal Issues
Issues like foreign body ingestion, bloat, or severe vomiting/diarrhea.
Reproductive Emergencies
Complications during pregnancy/labor. Life-saving pyometra surgery.
Life-threatening overheating in hot weather.
Toxicities / Snake Bites
Pets exposed to poisons and venomous snake bites.
Cardiac Emergencies
Heart-related problems requiring immediate attention.
Neurological Problems
Seizures, sudden disorientation, or other neurological symptoms.
Urinary Obstruction
Blockages/stones in the urinary tract, cystotomy surgery, PU surgeries.
Severe Illnesses
Acute and severe illnesses needing immediate attention.