Our First Recipient - February 2024

Thor's owner was referred to the PAWs Project by our vet partner, the Veterinary Medical Center of LWR after her owner arrived with Thor in much distress.
Thor had suffered recurrent obstructions from bladder stones. He needed PU surgery (perineal urethrostomy) to prevent future blockages. After being stabilized at VMC, Thor received his surgery from our vet partner, Island Animal Hospital in Venice.
Dr. Teuscher and his staff took fantastic care of Thor, and he is now home, healthy, and happy, fulfilling our mission of keeping pets and those who love them together.
We firmly believe that the bond between humans and their pets is precious and deserves to be protected. We are thankful we could help Thor and his family overcome their financial hurdles and receive this much-needed surgery. A grant from the Community Foundation of Sarasota County provided funding for this surgery.